Top Plates

(1)  Except as permitted in Sentences (2) to (4), no fewer than two top plates shall be provided in loadbearing walls.

    (2)  A single top plate is permitted to be used in a section of a loadbearing wall containing a lintel provided the top plate forms a tie across the lintel.

    (3)  A single top plate is permitted to be used in loadbearing walls where the concentrated loads from ceilings, floors and roofs are not more than 50 mm to one side of the supporting studs and in all non-loadbearing walls.

    (4)  The top plates need not be provided in a section of loadbearing wall containing a lintel provided the lintel is tied to the adjacent wall section with,

    (a)   not less than 75 mm by 150 mm by 0.91 mm thick galvanized steel, or

    (b)   19 mm by 89 mm by 300 mm wood splice nailed to each wall section with at least three 63 mm nails.


Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code,   Information published by for educational purposes only.