Insulation, Air Barrier System and Vapour Barrier

Insulation, Air Barrier System and Vapour Barrier Insulation, vapour barriers and air barrier systems may be installed at the same time as exterior finishes, provided the insulated assembly is protected against moisture damage such as that caused by wind driven rain. This stage requires a few days to complete and requires careful fitting and sealing […]
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Interior Insulation

Interior Insulation Foundation walls may be insulated on their interior surfaces. Framing materials should be separated from a concrete wall by dampproofing materials. Polyethylene should not be used for this purpose with new concrete walls because it does not allow the drying of moisture escaping from the concrete. Building paper protects the framing and insulation […]
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Joist-Type Roof Ceilings

Joist-Type Roof Ceilings When roofing is attached directly to the top of ceiling joists as is the case for cathedral or sloped ceilings, the space above the insulation must be vented to prevent the accumulation of moisture, or the space must be filled with insulation (such as sprayed closed-cell foam) that prevents air vapour from […]
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Location of Flashing

Location of Flashing     (1)  Flashing shall be installed in masonry and masonry veneer walls,     (a)   beneath jointed masonry window sills,     (b)   over the back and top of parapet walls,     (c)   over the heads of glass block panels,     (d)   beneath weep holes, and     (e)   over the heads of window and door […]
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Location of the Air Barrier System

Location of the Air Barrier System Because air movement through holes and cracks in the building envelope plays a much greater role in transporting water vapour than vapour diffusion through materials (in the order of 30 times more), the air barrier system is more important than the vapour barrier in preventing moisture from moving through […]
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Location of the Vapour Barrier

Location of the Vapour Barrier To prevent condensation from forming within building envelope assemblies, materials that act as vapour barriers (vapour retarders), including certain types of insulation, must be located within the assembly so that moisture moving from the inside to the outside does not condense and accumulate within the assembly. This means that vapour […]
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Materials for Flashing

Materials for Flashing (1)  Materials used for flashing shall conform to Table                (2)  Aluminum flashing in contact with masonry or concrete shall be effectively coated or separated from the masonry or concrete by an impervious membrane. Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code,   Information published by for educational purposes only.
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