Wall Stud Size and Spacing

Wall Stud Size and Spacing (1)  Except as provided in Sentence (2), the size and spacing of studs shall conform to Table (2)  Studs for walls not listed in Table and supporting roof loads shall conform to Tables A-30 to A-33, provided,     (a)   the studs are clad with not less than 9.5 mm thick […]
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Wall Studs

Wall Studs (1)  Wall studs shall not be notched, drilled or otherwise damaged so that the undamaged portion of the stud is less than two-thirds the depth of the stud if the stud is loadbearing or 40 mm if the stud is non-loadbearing, unless the weakened studs are suitably reinforced. Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building […]
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Walls Above Grade

Walls Above Grade Cladding such as wood siding, stucco or brick veneer provides a first plane of protection against precipitation ingress in above-grade wall assemblies. In geographic locations where the probability of wetting due to precipitation is high and the drying potential of the walls is low, a capillary break (an air space) must be […]
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Walls Above Grade Air Barrier

Walls Above Grade Air Barrier When the air barrier is on the interior of the wall framing, it can be easily sealed to the polyethylene attached to the underside of the roof framing. However, it is difficult to install a polyethylene air barrier where the floor joists meet an exterior wall because the joists interrupt […]
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Walls Below Grade

Walls Below Grade Dampproofing (usually a bituminous coating) acts as the primary barrier (the first plane of protection) against water penetration from the exterior side of the foundation wall. The concrete foundation wall can be considered a second plane of protection. The use of a drainage composite product can also provide improved drainage at the […]
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Walls Insulated within and Outboard of the Framing

Walls Insulated within and Outboard of the Framing Figures 21 and 22 show examples of walls insulated within and outboard of the framing space appear in. Some types of semi-rigid insulation come with a spun-bonded polyolefin sheet attached to one surface. This material is vapour permeable but air impermeable, and may serve as an air […]
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Water Penetration Control

Water Penetration Control Cladding (wood siding, brick, vinyl siding, stone, stucco, etc.) forms a first plane of protection and is detailed to limit the amount of water that gets past it.The sheathing membrane is a second plane of protection that prevents water from entering the building envelope and allows water vapour to drain and diffuse […]
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