Loose Steel Lintels for Masonry – No. & Size of Angles Required(6) (7)

Loose Steel Lintels for Masonry – No. & Size of Angles Required(6) (7)

Forming Part of Sentence

Loose Steel Lintels for Masonry – No. & Size of Angles Required(6) (7)

Notes to Table

(1) See Sentence

(2) Omit floor load in lintel when distance to bottom of floor construction is greater than width of opening.

(3) Interior and exterior angles in 200 mm walls and interior angles in 300 mm walls are bolted together when clear span is over 1 800 mm.


(4) When masonry lighter than brick is used over interior angles floor load may be increased by the difference in weight per square metre times the width of the opening.  Not generally available.

(5) Interior angles have been designed for floor load plus brick masonry of height equal to width of opening.

(6) fs = 138 MPa., Deflection maximum = 1/700 span.

(7) The figures in the Table indicating wall thickness and angle cross-section are in mm.

Table Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code,   Information published by oncodes.ca for educational purposes only.