(1)  Cavity walls of greater thickness than the foundation wall on which they rest shall not be corbelled but may project 25 mm over the outer face of the foundation wall disregarding parging.


    (2)  Where the foundation wall referred to in Sentence (1) is unit masonry, it is permitted to be corbelled to meet flush with the inner face of a cavity wall provided,

    (a)   the projection of each course does not exceed half the height or one-third the width of the corbelled unit, and

    (b)   the total corbel does not exceed one-third of the foundation wall thickness.

Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code,   O. Reg. 332/12: BUILDING CODE (ontario.ca) © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2021.

Corbel : In architecture, a corbel is a structural piece of stone, wood or metal jutting from a wall to carry a superincumbent weight,[1] a type of bracket.[2] A corbel is a solid piece of material in the wall, whereas a console is a piece applied to the structure. A piece of timber projecting in the same way was called a “tassel” or a “bragger” in England.[1]

Source : Corbel – Wikipedia