Table A-8
Maximum Spans for Built-up Floor Beams Supporting not more than One Floor(1)(2)
Forming Part of Sentence

Notes to Table A-8:
(1) Beam spans apply only where the floors serve residential areas as described in Table, or the uniformly distributed live load on the floors does not exceed that specified for residential areas as described in Table
(2) When the floors have a concrete topping of not more than 51 mm, the spans must be multiplied by 0.8.
(3) Supported length means half the sum of the joists spans on both sides of the beam.
(4) Straight interpolation may be used for other supported lengths.
(5) Spans are clear spans between supports. For total span, add two bearing lengths.
(6) 3-ply beams with supported lengths greater than 4.2 m require minimum bearing length of 114 mm. All other beams require minimum bearing length of 76 mm.
Table A8 Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code, Information published by for educational purposes only.