Connection of Floor Outlet Fixtures

(1)  Every pedestal urinal, floor-mounted water closet or S-trap standard shall be connected to a fixture drain by a floor flange or other means of connection, except that a cast iron trap standard may be caulked to a cast iron pipe.

    (2)  Except as provided in Sentence (3), every floor flange shall be of brass.

    (3)  Where cast iron or plastic pipe is used, a floor flange of the same material may be used.

    (4)  Every floor flange and fixture shall be securely set on a firm base and fastened to the floor or trap flange of the fixture.

    (4.1)  Every joint in a floor flange or between a fixture and the drainage system shall be sealed with a resilient, watertight and gas-tight seal.

    (5)  Where a lead water closet stub is used, the length of the stub below the floor flange shall be at least 75 mm.


Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code, Information published by for educational purposes only