Curved Flights in Exits
(1) Flights used as an exit shall consist solely of,
(a) straight flights, or
(b) curved flights complying with Sentence (2).
(2) A curved flight used as an exit shall have,
(a) a handrail on each side,
(b) treads with a minimum run of 240 mm,
(c) treads with a run that conforms to Article when measured at a point 300 mm from the centre line of the inside handrail, and
(d) an inside radius that is not less than twice the stair width.
(3) Tapered treads shall have a consistent angle and uniform run and rise dimensions in accordance with the construction tolerances described in Article when measured at a point 300 mm from the centre line of the inside handrail.
(4) All tapered treads within a flight shall turn in the same direction.
Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code, Information published by for educational purposes only.