(1)  Except as provided in Sentence (6) and Articles and, a guard not less than 1 070 mm high shall be provided,


    (a)   around each roof to which access is provided for other than maintenance,

    (b)   at openings into smoke shafts referred to in Subsection 3.2.6. that are less than 1 070 mm above the floor, and

    (c) at each raised floor, mezzanine, balcony, gallery, interior or exterior vehicular ramp, and at other locations where,

             (i)   the difference in level is more than 600 mm between the walking surface and the adjacent surface, or

            (ii)   the adjacent surface within 1 200 mm of the walking surface has a slope of more than 1 in 2 away from the walking surface.

(2)  Except as provided in Sentence (3) and Sentence, openings through any guard that is required by Sentence (1) shall be of a size that will prevent the passage of a sphere having a diameter more than 100 mm unless it can be shown that the location and size of openings that exceed this limit do not represent a hazard.

    (3)  Except as permitted by Sentence, openings through any guard that is required by Sentence (1) and that is installed in a building of industrial occupancy shall be of a size which will prevent the passage of a sphere having a diameter more than 200 mm unless it can be shown that the location and size of openings that exceed this limit do not represent a hazard.

(4)  Openings through any guard that is not required by Sentence (1) and that serves a building of other than industrial occupancy, shall be of a size that,

    (a)   will prevent the passage of a sphere having a diameter more than 100 mm, or

    (b)   will permit the passage of a sphere having a diameter more than 200 mm unless it can be shown that the location and size of openings that exceed these limits do not represent a hazard.

    (5)  Unless it can be shown that the location and size of openings do not present a hazard, a guard shall be designed so that no member, attachment or opening located between 140 mm and 900 mm above the level protected by the guard will facilitate climbing.

   (6)  Sentence (1) does not apply,

    (a)   to the front edges of stages,

    (b)   to loading docks,

    (c)   to floor pits in repair garages, or

    (d)   where access is provided for maintenance purposes only.

Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code,   O. Reg. 332/12: BUILDING CODE (ontario.ca) © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2021.