Maximum Spans for Spruce – Pine – Fir Lintels – No. 1 or No. 2 Grade – Non-Structural Sheathing(1)
Table A-15
Forming Part of Sentences and (3) and

Notes to Table A-15:
(1) Where structural sheathing is used, lintel spans may be increased by 15%. Structural sheathing consists of a minimum 9.5 mm thick structural panel conforming to CSA O121, CSA O151, CSA O325 or CSA O437.0 fastened with at least two rows of fasteners to the exterior face of the lintel, and a single row to the top plates and studs. Fasteners shall conform to Table
(2) A single piece of 89 mm thick lumber may be used in lieu of 2 pieces of 38 mm thick lumber on edge.
(3) If floor joists span the full width of the building without support, lintel spans shall be reduced by 15% for “Roof, ceiling and 1 storey”, by 20% for “Roof, ceiling and 2 storeys”, and by 25% for “Roof, ceiling and 3 storeys”.
(4) For ends of lintels fully supported by walls, provide minimum bearing length of 38 mm for lintel spans up to 3 m, or minimum bearing length of 76 mm for lintel spans greater than 3 m.
(5) Spans for 0.6 m tributary width are calculated for lintels in end walls that support only a 0.6 m width of roof and ceiling, but do not support roof joists, roof rafters or roof trusses.
(6) Lintel spans are calculated based on a maximum floor joist, roof joist or rafter span of 4.9 m and a maximum roof truss span of 9.8 m. Lintel spans may be increased by 5% if rafter and joist spans are not more than 4.3 m and roof truss spans are not more than 8.6 m. Spans may be increased by 10% if rafter and joist spans are not more than 3.7 m and roof trusses are not more than 7.4 m.
(7) Spans apply only where the floors serve residential areas as described in Table, or the uniformly distributed live load does not exceed that specified for residential areas as described in Table
Table A-15. Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code, Information published by for educational purposes only.